Our geotechnical industry partners, Keynetix, after man years of re-development the new look HoleBASE SI Extension for AutoCAD Civil 3D has been released to all users and to celebrate its launch they are doing 30 minutes of training and questions on line.
(This is an extended version of the Autodesk Geotechnical Module which is available via Keynetix)
This webinar will be an excellent introduction to the powerful features now included in the AutoCAD Civil 3D Extension and will be a valuable webinar if you are:-
1. Currently using the previous release of the HoleBASE SI Extension for AutoCAD Civil
2. Using the Autodesk Geotechnical Module and looking to have more functionality
3. Currently using Civil 3D for your BIM integration and need to integrate subsurface data.
During this webinar you will learn how to:-
• Create 3D borehole representations
• Create AutoCAD Civil surfaces based on any parameter in the database
• Create dynamic sections
• Create contour plots and point maps based on any number of criteria
To register for the webinar please visit https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/488505585.

For more information on HoleBASE SI and the extension for AutoCAD Civil 3D, click visit http://www.keynetix.com/holebase/civil3d/