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November 06, 2012


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Neil Jones

Whilst you obviously can't comment on unreleased products, I hope that this won't just be restricted to the Infrastructure Design Suite products and that those of us on subscription (using Plain old Civil 3D) won't be left out in the cold...!!!!!

Jack Strongitharm

Read my words again, you should be happy

Civil regards


Neil Jones

If it can be used in Civil 3D, I could be very happy..:)..the native Keynetix functionality is certainly very impressive...I look forward to the AU2012 presentation

Just need to convince consultants etc to provide AGS data files rather than scanned pdfs of the logs :(

Roger Chandler


Thank you for your kind comments about the native Keynetix functionality - I think you will be pleased with how it is looking in Civil 3D.

Getting data from clients rather than just information can be hard work but seems to be getting much better recently and BIM is helping this a great deal in my opinion.


Neil Jones

If there will be the facility to input manually (like we do with the current Borehole Importer tool) then this would be a useful workaround.

I still think there's a long way to go to prise AGS data from various clients (some are even reluctant to issue CAD drawings..!!) even with the current BIM buzzwords

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